Two persons who were arrested last Thursday by the Major Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency (MOCA), in connection with suspected lottery scamming activities, were formally charged on Saturday May 11 for breaches of the Law Reform (Fraudulent Transaction) (Special Provisions) Act.
Charged are 24-year-old Nickoy Pottinger of a Mammee Bay, St. Ann, address, and 40-year-old Meleithia Green of Drax Hall, St Ann. The two were charged following a joint operation between MOCA and personnel from the Counter Terrorism and Organised Crime Investigation Branch (CTOC) in St Ann last week. Pottinger and Green were taken into custody after lottery scamming paraphernalia were found in their possession during the operation.
The two were interviewed in the presence of their lawyers by MOCA agents on Saturday, and subsequently charged by the lawmen.
MOCA continues to encourage persons to report what they know about corruption, lottery scamming and other major organized criminal activities to the MOCA Tip-Line at 888-MOCA-TIP, or at www.moca.gov.jm. The agency is also reminding persons that all calls to the MOCA Tip Line are anonymous and confidential and will be treated with the utmost urgency.