Who We Are
Who We Are
The Major Organised Crime & Anti-Corruption Agency is an independent, elite law enforcement entity with primary interest in fighting the scourge of corruption and in bringing high value criminals to justice.
Our Mission
MOCA will identify and target major organised criminal networks and public sector corruption in order to improve security and governance in Jamaica.
Our Vision
To become an internationally recognised Law Enforcement Agency focused on eliminating major organised crime and corruption in Jamaica.
Our Core Values
The Major Organised Crime & Anti-Corruption Agency (MOCA) was formed through the merging of the Anti-Corruption Branch (ACB) and the Major Organised Crime & Anti-Corruption Taskforce (MOCA TF) on August 4, 2014. The Anti-Corruption Branch replaced the Internal Affairs Division in September 2007 and was tasked with the duty of combating corruption within the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and its auxiliaries. One of the major challenges faced by the ACB was implementing a proactive style of investigating police corruption, using the key objectives of fear of detection and prosecution, corruption prevention strategies and communication and education.
The MOCA TF was established on June 2012 with the aim of focusing on bringing high valued criminal targets to justice. It was structured around a joint staff concept with international partners to foster the best intelligence assets, investigators and prosecutors. The goal of the task force was to improve governance and security in Jamaica. This was done through tackling serious transnational organised crime in all its forms, in order to provide a nationwide societal deterrence of desiring to commit such criminal offenses.
MOCA became a fully independent law enforcement entity on April 1, 2021. The Agency continues to pride itself as an elite agency with the interest of fighting corruption and bringing high-value criminals to justice.

Our History

Strategic Priorities
Disrupt and dismantle major organised criminal network.
Target and confront corruption in the public sector to improve security and governance in Jamaica.
Detect, cybercrime threats and investigate and prosecute organised cybercrime networks.
Take the profit out of organised crime.
Elicit public support through effective communication and public awareness initiatives and events.
Develop, maintain and strengthen strategic partnerships.